Upgrade WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Windows 10

I had installed WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) a long time ago to gain access to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS directly from my Windows 10 Desktop. However, as time passes, Software grows old. Upgrading the Ubuntu Subsystem via apt-get update / do-release-upgrade should work, but that could have some nasty sideeffects, considering that the 14.04 LTS WSL release had been a beta test - so, a reinstall should be better.

Luckily, TechRepublic got this covered. Just open a CMD and run:

lxrun /uninstall /full /y

to uninstall the current WSL version.

Afterwards, try

lxrun /install

to reinstall it. With this "reinstall", Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will be installed.

Nonetheless, I recommend a nice

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

afterwards in your BASH session to get the WSL to the latest version ;).


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