Blog Defacement

While I am now hosting this blog for nearly 9 years - without any incident - problems tend to happen sooner or later. A lot of hassle and problems has been reduced due to the WordPress Auto Update system - so to update WordPress itself, as well as its plugins - and it works great. However, WordPress introduced - and enabled by default - a REST API - which has a great deal of security problems. And without me always checking each installed version - well, I did not know that... The REST API problems should be fixed by now, but - that came a bit too late for my blog. Nonetheless, I would recommend going to Jetpack -> Settings and disabling JSON API - especially if you're not using it... I learned it the hard way ^^'..

PS: If you disable it, won't be able to talk to your website anymore so... You're gonna have a bad time, if you need that :/. You'll need to decide for yourself...


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