got a new Client - and it is awesome!

Finally, got a new Client and it is looking gorgeous:

They added a graphical client to the CLI and included a Chat, as well as the File transfer and Search options. So now, got more easy to use than ever before - and the best thing: A mobile client is soon(tm ;)) to be released.

Actually I missed the release of the client and would not have stumbled upon it, if it weren't for johanbove how send me an encrypted message via the client - and Keybase let me know via email that I got something encrypted waiting for me ;).

Seems like Johan read my last post about and decided to drop me a encrypted message - and as you see, thats the real power of Keybase: You just got to know someones Github/Twitter/Website/WhatEver Account Name - and you can drop her/him an encrypted message, file or chat. And that is infact the point where shines above the regular PGP solutions - it is PGP for the social web :).

So - cheers Johan, thanks for the message - and lot of fun for the rest of you, maybe we connect on - I won't give you my page now - I trust you'll find me very easily ;)!

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