Here is my presentation to Yamcs @ PiAndMore 13 (University of Applied Sciences Trier, 22.04.2023)
Videorecording can be found here: tbd
IT Systemelektroniker & Master of Science, IT Security, Networks, Embedded Systems, Docker Campus Ambassador and Raspberry Pi Geek
Here is my presentation to Yamcs @ PiAndMore 13 (University of Applied Sciences Trier, 22.04.2023)
Videorecording can be found here: tbd
Here is my presentation to TinyGS @ PiAndMore 13 (University of Applied Sciences Trier, 22.04.2023)
Videorecording can be found here: tbd
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Introduction @ PiAndMore 13 (University of Applied Sciences Trier, 22.04.2023)
Videorecording can be found here: tbd
I think there is nothing more pleasing than having extremely precise measurements at your fingertips. Like time. While in the past it was quite problematic to measure time accurately (not talking about sundials, but... why not? ;)) - mankind has created one precise time source as the byproduct (read: "waste") for usage in accurate navigation: GNSS and their different kinds like GPS, Glonass, Galileo, BaiDou and others.
Taping into this time source and providing it to your local computer network via NTP has been done by countless people and is an extreme rewarding task. Is it necessary? Maybe not. Is it really cool? Yes. And now it is even easier as you don't need to configure it yourself, but can use the balenaHub and the preconfigured gpsTime project.
Basically you just need an RPi B+ (2/3/4), Micro SD Card, Powersupply and 3v3 TTL Level GPS Module with PPS Output. The rest is just done by going on the balenaHub entry shown above, creating a free account and flashing balenaOS onto your SD card, booting the RPi on the internet for the first time and let it get the needed containers. Afterwards you can use the RPi offline and still enjoy your precise time source.
More details can be found in the Github Repo and you can work and improve that project to your hearts content. I am probably going to do an PiAndMore talk about it - and use the project myself as a block for precise timing in some support equipment.
Dear all,
it is quite sad, but after I have been with the "Pi And More" on every single meeting since it started back in 2012 - and have held workshops and talks on all except the very first one, this time, for the Pi And More 11 1/2 I won't be able to deliver neither my "Raspberry Pi Introduction" talk (which has been quite a mantra since way back) - nor the "How to command a space payload" - due to bad health :(. I, however, won't drop said talk, but try to deliver it on Pi And More 12.
Best regards,
Here is my presentation to Sigfox @ PiAndMore 10 (University Trier, 24.06.2017)
Sigfox_PiAndMore10.pdf (1,7 MB, PDF)
This presentation was not sponsored or supported by Sigfox, however, Wisol gave me Evaluation Boards to test the Sigfox network, thanks a lot!
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Introduction @ PiAndMore 10 (University Trier, 24.06.2017)
RPiEinfßhrung_PiAndMore10.pdf (1,96 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is my presentation to @ PiAndMore 9 (Trier, 11.06.2016)
resinio_PiAndMore9.pdf (1,03 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is my presentation to platformIO @ PiAndMore 9 (Trier, 11.06.2016)
platformIO_PiAndMore9.pdf (830 KB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi EinfĂźhrung und Grundlagen @ PiAndMore 9 (Trier, 11.06.2016)
RPiEinfĂźhrungUndGrundlagen_PiAndMore9 (7 MB, PDF)