[Keybase.io] Add another E-Mail to your Keybase.io Public Key

Keybase.io is awesome!

But the problem was, you could not really use it for email, nor sign your Github commits, as keybase only entered a non existing email into the public key (yourname@keybase.io). But - you can change that :). You'll need to have GNU PGP / GPG installed.

Download Private and Public Key from Keybase.io (edit Button next to Key on Profile, Export my Private Key, Key Checksum for Export of Public Key)

gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import keybase-private.key
gpg --import keybase-public.key
gpg --edit-key myname@keybase.io

then in the gnupg ‘shell’:

gpg> adduid
Real name: Full Name
Email address: myname@mymail.com
Comment: <canbeleftempty,just enter>

You'll need to enter your Key to allow the changes.

Stay in gpg shell and do following to trust yourself (maybe not necessary):

uid myname@mymail.com

Export your newly generated public key:

gpg --armor --export myname@mymail.com

Upload to Github for Sign (New GPG key): https://github.com/settings/keys

Upload Public Key to Keybase: https://keybase.io/myname (edit, Update my key)

You can sign now on Github with:

git commit -S -m "signed commit"


Infos taken from:


