Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Einführung @ PiAndMore 8 (Trier, 16.01.2016)
RPiEinführung_PiAndMore8.pdf (4,42 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
IT Systemelektroniker & Master of Science, IT Security, Networks, Embedded Systems, Docker Campus Ambassador and Raspberry Pi Geek
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Einführung @ PiAndMore 8 (Trier, 16.01.2016)
RPiEinführung_PiAndMore8.pdf (4,42 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is the presentation of the piRefly Kuramoto Oscillator @ PiAndMore 7 (Trier, 20.07.2015)
piRefly_PiAndMore7.pdf (1,7 MB, PDF)
You can find the repo on github:
Here is the presentation to my Appliances Talk @ PiAndMore 7 (Trier, 20.07.2015)
RPiAppliances_PiAndMore7.pdf (0,6 MB, PDF)
Here is the presentation to my ESP8266 Talk @ PiAndMore 7 (Trier, 20.07.2015)
ESP8266_PiAndMore7.pdf (2,8 MB, PDF)
Thanks a lot to Espressif Systems for their tremendous support!
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Einführung @ PiAndMore 6 (Saarbrücken, 24.01.2015):
RPiEinführung_PiAndMore6.pdf (4 MB, PDF)
and to the Workshop:
RPiGrundlagenWorkshop_PiAndMore6.pdf (3 MB, PDF)
Here is the presentation to my MQTT Talk @ PiAndMore 6 (Saarbrücken, 24.01.2015)
MQTT_PiAndMore6.pdf (0,9 MB, PDF)
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Einführung @ PiAndMore 5 (Trier, 28.06.2014)
RPiEinführung_PiAndMore.pdf (3,4 MB, PDF)
and to the Workshop:
RPiWorkshop_PiAndMore.pdf (2,6 MB, PDF)
Here is my presentation to the Where Is My Pi project @ PiAndMore 5 (Trier, 28.06.2014)
wmp_PiAndMore.pdf (0,7 MB, PDF)
The Github project can be found and forked here:
All the presentations and videos are now online:
Following my presentation on the JCTixx Scanner, shown at the PiAndMore 2, 17.01.2013 @ Hochschule Trier.
Download: JCTixx_PiAndMore.pdf [1 MB]
Videorecording of the talk can be found here