Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Introduction @ PiAndMore 11 (University Trier, 03.11.2018)
RPi_PiAndMore11.pdf (4,68 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
IT Systemelektroniker & Master of Science, IT Security, Networks, Embedded Systems, Docker Campus Ambassador and Raspberry Pi Geek
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Introduction @ PiAndMore 11 (University Trier, 03.11.2018)
RPi_PiAndMore11.pdf (4,68 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is my presentation about, resinOS, balena and Fin @ the internal DLR "Erfahrungsaustausch Workshop - Software-Entwicklung V: Embedded Systems" (Bremen, 16.05.2018)
resin_DLR_EAW_SE_V.pdf (6,07 MB, PDF)
My Docker 101 Workshop @ Pythoncamp 2018 (07.04.2018, GFU Cyrus AG Köln,
Docker_Pythoncamp2018.pdf (1,13 MB, PDF).
Sourcecode / Example can be found on
Here is my presentation about hologram @ PiAndMore 10 1/2 (University Stuttgart, 24.02.2018)
hologram_PiAndMore1012.pdf (2,82 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Introduction @ PiAndMore 10 1/2 (University Stuttgart, 24.02.2018)
RPi_PiAndMore1012.pdf (6,86 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is my presentation about, resinOS and balena @ Docker & Kubernetes Meetup Feb 2018 (Heidelberg, 20.02.2018)
resin_DKM2018.pdf (2,57 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
For my German readers: I took part in Leonid Lezner's Allesnetz Podcast 11 - about and Docker - together with Resin.ios very own Jonas Hermsmeier - you can check out the podcast here.
Here is my presentation to Sigfox @ PiAndMore 10 (University Trier, 24.06.2017)
Sigfox_PiAndMore10.pdf (1,7 MB, PDF)
This presentation was not sponsored or supported by Sigfox, however, Wisol gave me Evaluation Boards to test the Sigfox network, thanks a lot!
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
Here is my presentation to the Raspberry Pi Introduction @ PiAndMore 10 (University Trier, 24.06.2017)
RPiEinführung_PiAndMore10.pdf (1,96 MB, PDF)
Videorecording of the talk can be found here
My Docker 101 Workshop @ T3C Trier (Trier Tech Talk Conference) (29.04.2017, Hochschule Trier,
Docker_T3C2017.pdf (0,74 MB, PDF).
Sourcecode / Example can be found on